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Fat Transfer in Carlsbad, NM

When an individual loses weight or moves through the normal aging process, they lose natural roundness and shape in specific body parts where volume was once plentiful. At Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center, a terrific way to restore volume that has been lost is through an aesthetic procedure known as a fat transfer. This process removes fat from a section of the body and reinstates it into another area that could use additional volume. A fat transfer with BeautiFill® can be used on large areas, such as the breasts or buttocks, or on small areas of the face, such as the lips and cheeks, and even the hands. Fat transfers are commonly chosen when a patient desires a natural enhancement versus having fillers or implants. Board certified in internal medicine, Dr. Francisco Cardona incorporates the most effective grafting techniques for performing fat transfers. This cosmetic enhancement at Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center creates gorgeous, soft outcomes.

During a fat transfer, you will be put under some form of anesthesia. The exact type of anesthesia or numbing method will be based on how much fat tissue is being taken out, including the location where it will be reinstated. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Cardona, our advanced BeautiFill system utilizes a precise laser to extract unwanted fat from problematic areas, like the hips, upper thighs, and stomach. Then, the fat sample is harvested and separated in a centrifuge before the healthy fat tissue is injected into selected facial or body areas to give you soft, youthful-looking fullness.

Keep in mind there are two different areas on the body that need to heal after fat transfer: the area involving liposuction and the injection sites. Your recovery period may last longer if a larger section on the body was addressed. For example, a fat transfer for lip enhancement will generally only warrant a 1 – 2-day recovery, whereas a transfer to a more vast body part, such as the breast or buttocks, may take closer to a week. Each area will appear swollen and red, but the outcomes can be seen pretty quickly. Another perk is the area where fat was extracted will look slimmer. A fat transfer yields beautiful and lasting results, but there will be some fat that reabsorbs back to the body. In some patients, another transfer may be needed down the road. Most of our patients at Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center have little to no visible scarring after fat transfer.

As an alternative to synthetic fillers, fat transfers offer a lot of amazing advantages to improve and refresh your look. The advantages of a fat transfer in Carlsbad, NM at Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center include:

  • Safer in comparison with implants since it utilizes the body’s natural fat
  • Reshapes and contours the figure
  • Replenishes missing volume for a more vibrant appearance (hands and face)
  • Minimally invasive in comparison to other cosmetic surgery procedures
  • Gets rid of stubborn fat in bothersome body parts (thighs, abdomen, back, and more)
  • Minimal scarring
  • Augments targeted body areas (cheeks, lips, buttocks, and breasts)
  • Outcomes have a natural feel and look
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Offers a more natural solution
  • Brings out natural curves

Staff is extremely friendly and flexible to work with in regards to schedule.

A.J. Google

Outstanding facilty and staff !!!!

R.7. Google

Dr. Cardona is approachable and knowledgeable. I felt comfortable asking him questions and discussing my concerns. He has a great team that goes the extra mile to make patients feel comfortable and answer any questions or concerns which are taken care of quickly.

D.R. Google

I loved this place! The staff was very friendly, but what impressed me the most was the doctor's involvement. He explained everything in detail and help draw my blood. I strongly recommend this clinic

O.M. Google

I'd like to share my overall experience with my recent cosmetic enhancement. I'm very happy with the amazing procedure, communication and overall service. Results reflected immediately. Thank you Vita Nova, I'm looking foward to my next visit!

C.M. Google


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Individuals who wish to have additional volume in areas of the body that appear hollow, thin, or deflated may be the right candidates for the fat transfer procedure. This procedure is even more desired because it provides a natural approach to produce results by introducing the patient's fat tissue. By doing this, there is little concern for rejection. Both women and men at Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center considering this procedure need to be at a healthy weight and have enough fat to remove for the transfer.

Where can I have fat transferred?

A fat transfer can be performed almost anywhere on your face or body where you want to add shape or rejuvenate your skin. A few of the most popular areas are the butt (often known as a Brazilian butt lift), face, hands, and breasts. Fat grafting may be performed with breast implants or breast reconstruction to correct irregularities. Age-related volume loss in the face and hands may also be corrected with a fat transfer, especially to add shape to your lips or in the hollow under your eyes. Talk to Dr. Cardona during your consultation about where you would like to add volume so he can develop your personal fat transfer plan.

How long will the results of a fat transfer last?

A fat transfer offers beautiful, effective results that can last for a long time with proper care. Dr. Cardona uses the latest methods to graft fat, which minimizes reabsorption. If you would like to touch up or enhance your results after a while, a second fat transfer can be performed.

What if I don't have enough fat for a transfer?

In your first appointment with Dr. Cardona, he will discuss the amount of fat that is required to achieve your goals. In some cases, you might not have enough fat for the transfer; however, this is typically only a concern if you have a very low body fat percentage or you want a large volume of fat added to one area. Fat can be taken from multiple areas or donor fat may be available. Dr. Cardona will explain your choices during your appointment.

If you desire fuller lips or want to smooth out hollow areas or lines, this procedure may be a great option. Moreover, a fat transfer works great for the body, such as the breasts. There are many choices for cosmetic enhancement. With BeautiFill, Vita Nova Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Center can help you to achieve the look you want without undergoing a major surgery that could require a long downtime. We welcome you to get in touch with our staff to arrange your consultation at our Carlsbad, NM office.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.